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What You Should Know Before Considering IVF

Nov 08, 2022
In vitro fertilization allows many prospective parents to conceive successfully despite fertility issues. Could it be the answer to your fertility problems? Before you consider IVF, there are a few details to go over.

In vitro fertilization (IVF) has allowed millions of couples to successfully conceive and give birth after experiencing infertility. 

In fact, research shows that 33% of couples undergoing IVF get pregnant on their first cycle of treatment, and 54-77% of prospective mothers get pregnant within the first eight cycles of IVF. 

If you and your partner have tried other fertility treatments like lifestyle changes or fertility medications and are still having trouble conceiving, IVF may be the next logical step.

You can trust our experts at Gen 5 Fertility Center in San Diego, California, to help you and your partner increase your chances of conceiving through IVF. Our president and director of fertility services is world-renowned fertility specialist and board-certified reproductive endocrinologist Samuel Wood, MD, PhD.

While IVF is a promising technique for many couples who want to have children, it’s not for everyone. We want you to be well-informed about IVF, what to expect, and its risks so you and your partner can make the decision yourselves. 

The steps of IVF treatment

IVF can be a lengthy process, especially if you go through multiple cycles before getting pregnant. You may use your and your partner’s own eggs and sperm if they’re viable, or you can use gametes (either eggs or sperm) from a donor. 

If you choose to use your own eggs for IVF treatment, the first step is to stimulate ovulation. You take fertility medications to increase the number of eggs your ovaries release, which is typically just one per cycle. But you need multiple healthy eggs to undergo IVF. 

Once the eggs are mature, we extract about 8-10 of them using safe ultrasound guidance. We mix those eggs with healthy sperm samples in a lab before a brief incubation period. 

Once fertilized by the sperm, the eggs become embryos. We use genetic testing to evaluate the embryos to search for genetic abnormalities before attempting implantation and freeze them until the results are in. 

Finally, we implant a single embryo at a time into your uterus as you continue taking fertility medications to build a healthy uterine lining. We also offer platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and enriched platelet factors to boost the health of your ovaries and increase your chances of successful IVF treatment. 

Risks to consider

Using IVF to conceive comes with a few possible risks as well as increased chances of certain not-so-dangerous events happening during your pregnancy. With our option for genetic testing, you can minimize your risk of genetic abnormalities for your baby. 

But IVF may increase your chances of:

  • Having multiple births (e.g., twins, triplets)
  • Giving birth prematurely
  • Having a child with a low birth weight
  • Having an ectopic pregnancy
  • Suffering a miscarriage

The procedures associated with IVF can be stressful in themselves, too, so you should have a healthy support system of friends, family, and providers as you go through the process. 

Our team at Gen 5 Fertility Center team works closely with you and follows all necessary safety protocols as we monitor and maintain your health during IVF and any resulting pregnancy.

How to learn more

IVF is an excellent option for couples who have tried many ways to increase their chances of a healthy pregnancy but without success. To learn more, schedule a visit by calling our Gen 5 Fertility Center or by using our convenient online booking feature today.