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Fertility Clinic located in San Diego, CA

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Hysteroscopy services offered in San Diego, CA

A hysteroscopy can show if uterine abnormalities are responsible for infertility or recurrent miscarriages. Samuel Wood, MD, PhD, MA, MBA, HCLD/CC(ABB), FACOG, and his team at Gen 5 Fertility Center in San Diego, California, are experts in performing hysteroscopy. Using the images provided by the hysteroscope’s camera, the team can see any abnormal areas in the uterus. To learn more about undergoing hysteroscopy, call Gen 5 Fertility Center today or go online to request a consultation. 

Hysteroscopy Q&A

What is a hysteroscopy?

A hysteroscopy is a minimally invasive procedure that enables your provider to examine the inside of your uterus. They use a hysteroscope — a thin, flexible, lighted tube with a tiny camera — that they pass along the vagina and through the cervix.

Using images sent back by the camera, your provider can analyze the uterine lining in detail. They can also take a biopsy (tissue sample) if they notice any abnormalities. The biopsy goes to the lab for diagnostic testing.

Why might I need a hysteroscopy?

Hysteroscopy helps doctors diagnose the causes of common problems like long, heavy periods, bleeding between periods, and bleeding after menopause. You might also need a hysteroscopy if you repeatedly miscarry when pregnant.

The Gen 5 Fertility Center team uses hysteroscopy to look for anything that could affect your fertility. That includes scarring, growths, and blocked fallopian tubes.

During operative hysteroscopy, the team can remove fibroids, adhesions, and polyps. Sometimes they can open blocked fallopian tubes, increasing your chance of a natural pregnancy.

What happens when I have a hysteroscopy?

The Gen 5 Fertility Center team performs hysteroscopies on-site in the clinic’s exam room. Most people don’t need anesthesia, but you might benefit from a sedative to keep you relaxed.

Once you’re in position on the treatment table, your provider inserts a speculum into your vagina to hold it open, exactly like having a Pap smear. Rarely do they open your cervix with dilators and insert the hysteroscope.

The instrument feeds into the uterus, then your provider pumps saline (salt water) solution into the uterine cavity. This expands the uterus, offering a clear view of the tissues.

How much downtime does a hysteroscopy require?

Hysteroscopy doesn’t cause any wounds like surgery, so downtime is minimal. Many people having a hysteroscopy drive home or go to work afterwards. In rare cases, you might want to rest for the remainder of the day and shouldn’t drive if you’ve had a sedative.

Although very unlikely, in the days after your hysteroscopy, you might have mild abdominal cramps or slight bleeding. The Gen 5 Fertility Center team recommends avoiding vaginal sex for 48 hours after a hysteroscopy.


To find out more about undergoing hysteroscopy and the role it plays in fertility treatment, call Gen 5 Fertility Center today or use the online form to schedule a consultation.