Sills ES, Wood SH (2022). Growth factors, gene activation and cell recruitment: From intraovarian condensed platelet cytokines to de novo oocyte development. J Clin Transl Res 2022; 8(1):49-53. DOI:
Sills ES (2022). Ovarian recovery via autologous platelet-rich plasma: New benchmarks for condensed cytokine applications to reverse reproductive aging. Aging Medicine. 2022;00:1–5. DOI:
Sills ES, Wood SH (2021). Appraisal of Experimental Methods to Manage Menopause and Infertility: Intraovarian Platelet-Rich Plasma vs. Condensed Platelet-Derived Cytokines. Medicina 58(1): 3 10.3390/medicina58010003
Sills ES, Rickers NS, Wood SH. (2020) Intraovarian insertion of autologous platelet growth factors as cell-free concentrate: Fertility recovery and first unassisted conception with term delivery at age over 40. Int J Reprod BioMed 2020;18(12):1081-1086.
Sills ES, Wood SH. (2020). An experimental model for peri-conceptual COVID-19 pregnancy loss and proposed interventions to optimize outcomes. Int J Mol Cell Med 2020;9(3):1-8.
Wood SH, Sills, ES. (2020). Intraovarian vascular enhancement via stromal injection of platelet-derived growth factors: Exploring subsequent oocyte chromosomal status and in vitro fertilization outcomes. Clinical and Experimental Reproductive Medicine 2020
Sills ES, Rickers NS, Peterson JL, Xiang Li, Wood SH. (2020) Regenerative Effect of Intraovarian Injection of Activated Autologous Platelet Rich Plasma: Serum anti-Mullerian Hormone Levels Measured Among Poor-Prognosis In Vitro Fertilization Patients. Intl J Regen Med 2020;47(2):94-100.
Sills, E. S., & Wood, S. H. (2019). Autologous Activated Platelet-Rich Plasma Injection into Adult Human Ovary Tissue: Molecular Mechanism, Analysis, and Discussion of Reproductive Response. Bioscience reports, 39(6), BSR20190805.
Sills, E. S., Li, X., Rickers, N. S., Wood, S. H., & Palermo, G. D. (2019). Metabolic and Neurobehavioral Response Rollowing Intraovarian Administration of Autologous Activated Platelet Rich Plasma: First Qualitative data. Neuro Endocrinology Letters, 39(6), 427–433.
Sills, E. S., Rickers, N. S., Li, X., & Palermo, G. D. (2018). First Data on In Vitro Fertilization and Blastocyst Formation After Intraovarian Injection of Calcium Gluconate-Activated Autologous Platelet Rich Plasma. Gynecological Endocrinology : The Official Journal of the International Society of Gynecological Endocrinology, 34(9), 756–760.
Sills, E. S., Anderson, R. E., McCaffrey, M., Li, X., Arrach, N., & Wood, S. H. (2016). Gestational Surrogacy and the Role of Routine Embryo Screening: Current Challenges and Future Directions for Preimplantation Genetic Testing. Birth Defects Research. Part C, Embryo Today : reviews, 108(1), 98–102.